Friday, 28 January 2011

Mubarak Must Go!

As the news filters in of those killed and injured in today's protests throughout Egypt, it is clear that the 'president for life' must relinquish control. This is a momentous time for North Africa, and could see the birth of progressive and enlightened states in the region.

Whilst Mubarak will be keen to portray protesters as Islamists, it is clear from alternative and instant forms of communications that those on the street represent much broader views, and contain a genuine desire for human rights and greater equality.

It will be interesting to see how US interests are played out - Mubarak is one of the top three importers of US weaponry (Israel, Egypt and Colombia) and a keen ally. He has been key to maintaining 'peace' in the Middle East, and has enabled Israel to blockade the people of Gaza, clearly with US support, and despite the Egyptian people wanting to help the Palestinians.

But the time for dictators is gone. Tunisia may well be on the way to greater freedom and new found hope. let us hope that Egypt can go the same way, as peacefully as possible.

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