Monday, 7 March 2011

Giving up Blogging for Lent...

Ash Wednesday is nearly upon us, and I'm wondering what to give up for Lent. To be honest - as much as I've loved the blogging over the last 3 months, I'm thinking of giving it up. Not only does it take time away from those lovely kids of mine, but it has kinda become a bit obsessive.

I've found myself endlessly clicking the stats button, seeing if my latest blog has stirred some interest - seeing where in the world people are reading my thoughts. To be honest, I'd rather be snogging my wife.

The blog has been a great way to stir up interest in my first book, and given friends and strangers a chance to get a glance into the thoughts and activities of a priest trying to stay true to his activist principles, trying to develop a model of 'A Just Church'. Now you can support a local bookshop, and order it in. Then you should get your priest to read it. Liberation theology is alive and kicking and where ever in the world you are, its time to get stuck in to building a world of peace, justice and love.

I'll miss the blog, but you can keep tabs on the campaigns on my Facebook page, and perhaps now we might have time to meet up face to face and have a coffee? If interested, you can come to Bradford for the Practical Liberation Theology conference on the 23/24th of July,  If we haven't met, then I'd like to meet you! Better still, lets meet at a demo, or an UK Uncut occupation. Maybe see you at the March for the Alternatives on the 26th of this month?

But give up something for Lent, perhaps take something on, even if its just the realisation that another world is possible.

God bless you on your journey, and until we meet again, keep me in your prayers.

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