Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Wear Bridge Zip Wire – Metro offers free rides to promote the new extension to the network!

Plans to open the zip wire that runs from the Wear Bridge to the riverside are exactly the sort of bold ideas that this city needs for the 21st Century.

The zip wire was first used during the Olympics, when the official torch came to Sunderland in spectacular fashion – whizzing down the wire from the Bridge to the riverside. The zip wire was retained and has been used extensively by charity fundraisers ever since. The Sunderland Tourist board and ‘The Metro’ (the company run by Nexus) have announced a pilot scheme to launch the zip wire service throughout the summer months to promote the new Metro extensions to Seaham and Doxford Park.

The zip wire, to be known as the ‘Wear Wire’, will connect the city centre to St Peter’s Campus and the National Glass Centre, providing a much needed and innovative boost to Sunderland’s summer time tourist economy. In June, July and August, users will pay between £5-9 for a single or return, and will be able to register online to book to use the service, or simply turn up on the day.

To advertise the new scheme, Nexus are offering free rides (subject to health and insurance checks) today till lunchtime and I'm looking forward to overcoming my fear of heights and simply go for it!

The scheme is partially funded by the University of Sunderland, and Students and Staff will be able to buy discounted tickets. The route of the ‘Wear Wire’ will substantially reduce the time it takes to get from one campus to the other, and is sure to become very popular with students.

For those brave enough to have a go on the ‘Wear Wire’, it will be operating for free today between the hours of 8am and 12 noon. Head to the South end of the Wear Bridge (don’t leave it too late if you want to ensure a ride!)

PS Happy April Fools Day 2014

1 comment:

  1. so sorry to any one who went down for there free ride on April Fools day....
