Saturday, 4 December 2010

Liberation Theology in the U.K.

Liberation theology is finally becoming bolder in the UK. For years, liberation theology existed mostly in the form of discussion and debate. The limited number of educational and ministerial faculties that dealt with the subject worked either with an academic distance or with a simple sense of nostalgia. The work of the Iona community, the Catholic Workers Communities and some determined grassroots Christian activists kept the flame of liberation theology alive. (helped by the Holy Spirit!)

Now, as the failings of neo-liberal economics are being exposed, and the agenda of the ruling class mentality is more clearly witnessed in the make up of our politicians, those involved in liberation theology are becoming more outspoken. Finally we can cry like the prophets of old: 'DOWN WITH EMPIRE! PROTECT THE WEAK!'

We can sing the promise of our magnificat with vigour; 'He has brought down the powerful from their thrones, and lifted up the lowly!'

We can begin as Christians to live out the words and life of Christ "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has appointed me to bring good news to the poor." (Luke 4 v 18)

Now is the time to be bold about the biblical story of justice and equality, to stand in solidarity with those struggling for a better, fairer and greener world. Jesus Christ came not to accept the way the world is, but to build a better one. Let us join in this struggle, let us become 'A Just Church'!

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