Friday, 7 February 2014

Singing for freedom

Yesterday I attended a singing workshop run by my good friend Clare Hunt (from the band Hyldas, a celtic/spiritual ensemble.) It was for Sanctuary seekers and refugees, and let those of all abilities have a go at the art of singing.

Clare led us through South African protest songs, songs of joy and hope - and at the end all of us, even poor singers like me, really felt like we'd achieved a lot. It was magical hearing the harmonies kick in, and very moving to see one women with tears of joy on her cheeks during one moving song based on Julian of Norwich's line 'All will be well, all will be well, and all manner of things will be well'

I just wanted to say how wonderful it was, and how grateful I am to those who use music to heal wounds and bring unity to people who are often isolated by society.

Peter Seeger's death suddenly reminded me of how important music is to our journey of liberation and hope - and it was good and timely to be reminded of that yesterday amongst friends.

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